
Showing posts from February, 2021

Azure blueprint - how to handle with ARM parameter file?

Problem statement When you deploy an ARM template, it's normal to provide a parameter file, in which you can put custom values for parameters used during the ARM template deployment. When you add an artifact of ARM deployment into a blueprint, unluckily you can't use a parameter file on Azure Portal - there is just no field on UI for you to specify a parameter file as shown on the below screenshot. But alternatively you can use a command line to add an artifact of ARM template deployment to a blueprint, which allows you to specify a parameter file! E.g. using the below PowerShell command to insert an ARM template deployment of a Log Analytics workspace. $bpDefinition = Get-AzBlueprint -SubscriptionId '<sub Id>' -Name '<blueprint name>' -Version '<blueprint version number>' New-AzBlueprintArtifact -Blueprint $bpDefinition -Type TemplateArtifact -Name 'la-workspace' -TemplateFile .\la-workspace-deploy.json -TemplateParame...