Good practices of using Python logging
Problem Statement
During the maintenance work of a legacy Python project, it's noticed some issues of logging code events.
Outputs not in sequence
The legacy code in some places still uses print() function, and traceback.print_exc() like below,
try: #my logic goes here print("my output") except Exception: traceback.print_exc()
By default in Python those functions are buffered. print() will send outputs to stdout, and traceback_print_exc() will send output to stderr. If those buffers are not flushed timely or disabled, the output may not in sequence which causes the outputs out of order.
Logging configuration not centralized and externalized
It's noticed the logging configuration is added in every file using the Python logging. It means the logging configuration is not centralized and externalized for easy usage.
Also when a message is logged, the 'logging' object is used directly instead of using a 'logger' object. The 'logging' object actually uses the root logger by default to record messages, which makes the logging in the code less configurable.
import logging logging.basicConfig( format="[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s] %(message)s", level=logging.INFO)"Starting of my code.")
Good practices
Before you read forward, you may want to read the Python tutorial to understand how Python logging works, especially the concepts of logger, formatter, filter, and handler. You may also want to know the logging flow, by referencing to this doc, Logging Advance Tutorial
In order to make the logging in applications to be easily usable and configurable, we apply the below good practices. We call them good practices instead of best practices, because different type of applications may need specific logging solutions to best meet the requirements.
- Logging events/ messages can be propagated by default. So a good practice is to attach handlers only to the root logger, and let propagation take care of the rest.
- Set all handlers' log level to be DEBUG always, and let users configure the log level on loggers. And it's only needed on root level when all children loggers are without loglevel setting explicitly.
- Logging configuration is run only once at startup.
- Using logger object to log messages instead of logging object.
Sample Code
import os from os.path import join import logging from logging.config import dictConfig #Get user's configuration from env variables LOG_LEVEL = os.getenv('LOG_LEVEL', 'INFO').upper() LOG_FILTER = os.getenv('LOG_FILTER', '') if os.getenv("LOG_HANDLERS"): LOG_HANDLERS = [i for i in os.getenv("LOG_HANDLERS").split(",")] else: LOG_HANDLERS = ["console", "file"] #Decide where to store log files log_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/logs') if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = join(log_dir, 'application.log') logging_config = { # Always 1. Schema versioning may be added in a future release of logging "version": 1, # "Name of formatter" : {Formatter Config Dict} "formatters": { # Formatter Name "standard": { # class is always "logging.Formatter" "class": "logging.Formatter", # Optional: logging output format "format": "%(asctime)s\t[%(levelname)s]\t%(name)s|%(lineno)s:\t%(message)s", #"format": "[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s]%(filename)s\t%(message)s", # Optional: asctime format #"datefmt": "%d %b %y %H:%M:%S" } }, 'filters': { 'customfilter': { '()': logging.Filter, 'name': LOG_FILTER } }, # Handlers use the formatter names and filter names declared above "handlers": { # Name of handler "console": { # The class of logger. A mixture of logging.config.dictConfig() and # logger class-specific keyword arguments (kwargs) are passed in here. "class": "logging.StreamHandler", # This is the formatter name declared above "formatter": "standard", "level": "DEBUG", "filters": ["customfilter"], # The default is stderr "stream": "ext://sys.stdout" }, # Same as the StreamHandler above, but with different # handler-specific kwargs. For later usage. "file": { "class": "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler", "formatter": "standard", "level": "DEBUG", "filters": ["customfilter"], "filename": log_file, "mode": "w", "encoding": "utf-8", "maxBytes": 500000, "backupCount": 4 } }, # Just a standalone kwarg for the root logger "root" : { "level": LOG_LEVEL, "handlers": LOG_HANDLERS } } logging.config.dictConfig(logging_config) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'Current logging LEVEL is {}'.format(LOG_LEVEL))'Current logging filter is {}'.format(LOG_FILTER))'Current logging handlers are {}'.format(LOG_HANDLERS))
import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def myfunction(): logger.debug("My function starts from here.")
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